Pranidhi Gupta sin profil

The Last Fringe - The Halaki Tribe of Honnawar

Two Halaki women chit chat in the afternoon sun outside their homes.
The tribe's worship place.
A man lies comfortably enjoying the afternoon sun.
A halaki woman uses a stone grinder to crush food items.
"Hase- Hullu" - the criss  cross technique used to weave dried coconut leaves to form a stong mat which can be used for various purposes. It is widely used in making the roof and sides of huts by the Halakis.
A kitchen in a Halaki home.
The Last Fringe - The Halaki Tribe of Honnawar


The Last Fringe - The Halaki Tribe of Honnawar

The series of pictures were captured in Honnawar Karnataka of the Halaki Tribe. The tribe is endangered as more and more members opt to lead a l Se mer
