Ökoton • Part I
Ecotone: zone of ecological transition between two ecosystems. 
A laboratory of the edge which question demarcations and oppositions: light and darkness, visible and hidden, abstract and figurative, mineral, plant and animal. 
Reversal benchmarks alter the potential recognition of the subject. The touches of gold delimit the passage of a state to an other, while adding an element which annoys the perception: an adornment transformed in camouflage.The references are upset,the many possible pareidolias enrich the meaning of images and the process. The limits are transfigured in whole separate spaces. The living becomes landscape and place of meditation.
Ink, graphite, black stone and gold on paper - 30 x 40 cm
F I N E   A R T   P R I N T S 
Limited edition • numbered  signed
Ökoton • Part I

Ökoton • Part I
