Fliyng to the Sky
The aviation industry is the job closest to the sky. Each plane carries not only passengers, but dreams to different destinations. "Dream" is always accompanied by "flying", and the joy of freely swimming in the endless sky is like realizing a dream!
The invisible waterway in the sky is as busy as a highway day and night. People at the airport come and go, race against the tight time, fly over the jet lag, and come to another country. This is what a single man experiences every day.
If going to work is a battle every second, then going to get off work is a dialogue with oneself. Going back to a place built with white oak and algae soil, relax with a little rigorous and fresh wooden fence, expressing the gentle personality of a man. The man helps people create a way to fly to their dreams every day, and now he also has the foundation of his own dreams.
Interior design / 二三設計 23Design
Photography / 樸敘空間 MD Pursuit
Taiwan Taoyuan / 2020


二三設計 23Design
2020 私人住宅 Residential
台灣 Taiwan 桃園 Taoyuan
Fliyng to the Sky


Fliyng to the Sky
