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Food With Personalities- A Sticker Set

Food With Personalities: A Sticker Set
For this project, I was determined to give different foods "punny" personalities. I chose to do this because food is something that we all have in common and food is special for me because it's something that me and my dad shared. I started by writing out a list of all of the food puns I was interested in visually depicting. After coming up with a good word list, I began to sketch. When I first began sketching, I hadn't confined myself to a food theme but after going through the sketches and the creative process I eventually decided what I wanted to do. 
After going through the sketch process and coming up with a number of different ideas, I came up with hip peas, a cool cucumber, and a bad egg. I thought that they would be fun and I started drafting. 
My hip pea was the first sticker I worked on. I had not seen my style start to come through, and I didn't feel that it did enough. As I continued drafting, I began to find my style and I began to be able to see what my ideas were evolving into. 

After receiving feedback and continuing through the creative process, I came up with my final drafts of my stickers. 
I decided to do my hip peas with a boombox because that communicates "hip" to me. I chose this theme because food is something we all have in common and we all have personalities- I thought it would be a fun challenge to give food these personalities to create a connection to them. I know that I'm a little biased, but I definitely feel a connection to these because of the cute and punny meanings behind it. I also have uploaded them to a site to sell my designs! I'm very happy with them and here's where they can be found:
I know they're not perfect but I'm really proud of myself for making stickers that I think would be cute if I had come across them (if I had not designed them). Below is how they look on the t-shirts and I'm excited to be able to share them!
Food With Personalities- A Sticker Set

Food With Personalities- A Sticker Set
