Nest building Swallows 
Swallows are small birds with dark, glossy-blue backs, red throats, pale underparts and long tail streamers.
Swallows collecting mud and materials for nest build from a small drinking pool.
The small reflection puddle location is ideal by the village shop, with this set up you can enjoy a coffee, soft drink, beef and relax during an evening session with visiting birds.
Both female and male collect materials 
Early evening light on the reflection puddle produces some wonderful images 
Telling a story with my images is important 
Catch lights and eye contact with the birds 
Barn swallows often nest on cliffs, bridges, and eaves of buildings. Swallows often construct an entirely new nest or they may use old nests,
Barn swallows eggs tend to be white, although those of some mud-nesters are speckled, typical clutch  is around five eggs, three eggs in the tropics. Swallow eggs take 10–21 days to hatch.
Puddle reflections


Puddle reflections

The swallows, martins, and saw-wings, or Hirundinidae, are a family of passerine birds found around the world on all continents, including occasi Read More
