"IAnova" project is about developing  spatial  gesture  interface  in  vehicles.  The  idea  first  emerged  around  last autumn,  as  competing  the  BMW  "Project  J"  contest,  where  I  was  in  a  team  of  three.  We won  the  championship  for  our  design's  unique  value  for  the  future  of  automotive industry. The fundamentals and the reasons why the spatial gestural interface is superior to  the  conventional  types  were  explained  in  this  stage.  After  submiVing  our  design,  I decided  to  push  it  forward,  thus  I  sought  Prof.  Patrick  Rau  for  advice.  And  then  under Prof.  Pilsung  Choe's  kind  guidance,  I  finished  a  preliminary  study  that  explained  the design in detail and found several users' preference via an experiment. A paper for this stage was accepted by HCI International 2013 conference. I was invited to the conference and gave a presentation for the paper this summer in Las Vegas. After the publication, I took  a  step  even  further  --  designed  a  model  evaluating  the  applicability  of  applying gesture interface for each driving functions, and a standard spatial gesture set ollowing 
UCD method. The achievement of this stage was a turning point of this idea from sketchon-paper  to  a  real product.  And  I'm  still  seeking  opportunities  to  further  develop  this project, to a real product and truly bring smoother user experience for drivers.


Brand new interface for driving assistance designed by team IAnova, Liu Yishuo, Lu Zhihao, Shi Yao, at 2012.
