Redesign - 759 store

Redesign Web & App
In this project, we added customized functions in the new app design for example shopping list ,save items, user icon setting and design self membership card. That helps us to create more interaction with the audience. Also, restructurelize the share points and stamps function to advantage users. Sharing favourite items function to increase the reliability of users toward the app like a social media platform. For the modern lifestyle design, we let users choose electronic bills to reduce the accumulation of paper receipts. Moreover, we redesigned all the button icons in order to encourage users to click and interact with the app and highlight the key button. We remain the clean and simple design at the whole app redesign to increase the readability of the app. Fixing the non-working pages too. Reducing the learning time of users by keeping the navigation system as clean as possible. For the new users and elderly, we also launched a tutorial for them. Deleted all the unnecessary pages to reduce the loading times by users while using the app. All the redesign we apply the highly contrast colour using to add more readability.

Full version of the redesigned Website:

Full version of the redesigned APP:

Redesign - 759 store