Illustration background
For this assignment we had to create a background illustration. We had to convey a sense of depth, strong composition and a captivating to story to make you live the artwork you're looking at.

We started with a few practice lessons and had to try and dissect artworks from different artists. We had to find the composition points that were made in the artwork such as: foreground, point of interest, middleground and background. 
First i made some thumbnails in my sketchbook to make some interesting compositions. Some of these worked some of it did'nt.

I really liked 3 of these and wanted to merge them together. Now I just had to come up with an interesting story.

The story I came up with based on my thumbnails which heavily involve mountain ranges and settlements, castles or forts, made me create a story about people that journey from a warm far away country to a sacred place high up in the mountains in the north. it is a dangerous desolate road where they will be tested in their love for the Gods that had their sanctum build up in the mountains. The sanctum rests on a peak of the highest mountain in the north. Close on a slope is a city built for the travelers where they can rest, live or prepare for the journey home once they had visited the sanctum and paid their respects to the Gods. We follow a family that are protectors of the people. The male protector has a strong physique and is well trained in combat, medics, survival and most important mental strength. The female protector is a beautiful caring woman who has been trained by the father of the male protector who was a general before his retirement. The man and woman take their first born son to the sanctum who is a little over a year old.
I had a couple of iterations where some aspects worked out and others did'nt fit the scene.
There was a extra assignment when you were done. A prequel and sequel to your story so I made these.

