Irish Pubs – The Real Ones
There are many different reasons to travel to Ireland or to occupy oneself with this extraordinary country. To some it´s the rich history, which brought along so many treasures of art, to some it´s the abundant literature of W.B.Yeats and James Joyce. Others just go there to enjoy the country, its people and the music. All of them, however, look forward to something very special: the Irish pub.
By presenting genuine old pubs this portfolio seeks to illuminate and document the culture and the way of thinking which have made the Irish pub so special not only to the Irish, but also to the many visitors from abroad.
Apart from presenting real old pubs it´s the aim of my photography to portray the world of customers, brewers - and, of course, both male and female publicans who all put their mark on the Irish pub. It´s a world with its own philosophy and a clear link to tradition.
More information (german language):
Published by:
Hädecke Publishing House, Germany (book)
Ars Vivendi Publishing House, Germany (calendar, post cards)
GEO SAISON, magazine, Germany (several photographs)
Conway's, Rathmelton, Co. Donegal
Irish Pubs Photography

Irish Pubs Photography

Irish Pubs is an photographic Project published as book, calendar and postcards for different german publishing houses
