Stitch fix is a company that helps people style clothes for any occasion. The website allows customers to get clothes styled for them in a suitable budget. Free delivery and returns on all clothing are available. This cancels out any extra costs for customers. The target audience for this company is between the ages 35-50. This is because this age range could possibly not have any time to buy outfits for separate occasions. The commercial advert is a part of my student project. I made this advert for people of this age range to be inspired and if they are struggling to style outfits, this video should help them. This video would also help with website traffic and traffic on the company’s social media pages. I will be using different marketing measuring tools to track the amount of traffic. I will be using RACE. RACE Framework will help me as it is designed to assist digital marketers in planning and managing digital marketing strategy in a more organised manner. I will be using owned media, as I want full leverage of the social media pages. I want to be able to have full control of all the content uploaded, for example this short video advert will be uploaded on stitch fix Instagram and Facebook pages. I will be tracking the views and shares on Instagram by viewing the insights, this will show me a little pop-up box, showing the likes, share, direct message shares, profile visits and reach. Using owned media will also be cost efficient. My goals in the end of this will be to have more traffic on company website and social media pages. Implement monthly giveaways on social media pages and to post on Instagram 4 times a week and two times a week on facebook for 8 weeks in total. At the end of the 8 weeks I will be measuring the traffic to see if there is any increased customer/potential customer interaction and if this has been efficient.  I will be keeping the first 30 seconds of the video has catchy words, this helps get attention from target audience. I will be using owned as I have full control of all the content and its cost efficient, however I will be using some paid media as I used transitions to make the words eye catching. The background I used for the first 30 seconds has stitch fix logo in the middle and clothes around it. I however blurred the background so the text can stand out. The next 20 seconds I transitioned in the text and used a plain white background. The ending I showed different brands the company works with; these are the brands customers can pick from when having their outfits styled. The last 10 seconds has the company’s logo along with a turquoise background to match the logo colour. The text is all in white to stand out. Stitchfix Instagram and website is shown as well.  



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