A Day At The Park
Amy van Schijndel
A Moment’s Respite

What is tranquility to a human? What is beauty, really? A shiny rock? A colorful sunset? Is it anything that offers respite from the concrete jungles we inhabit? Objectively, it’s hard to gauge, since every person is unique in their tastes.

The park offers a quiet moment to all those seeking to escape the unforgiving clutches of our modern society, if only for a little while. The path through the park is packed down by the many who came before us. The trees have grown tall with age, as they have been here for centuries. Sunlight filters through the them on a summer day. The trickle of a stream you hear distantly, and ducks quack nearby, and you feel… calm.

We bring our friends, carrying our precious cargo. We spread out a blanket, red and white, upon the lush green grass. We have a feast beneath the trees, and we gaze at what surrounds us. All around us there is life, there is color, there is noise created by that which isn’t vehicles. That is what relaxes us, this atmosphere is why we came here.

It is almost like these areas, despite the odds, have defied our grey stone with bountiful viridescent vegetation, controlled as it is. It cradles us gently within it’s grasp and promises us peace, and peace it shall give. With such focus on work and little else, many of us forget to ever take a break, and this oft results in stress and pain and fear, and not much else. The present day is cruel. It is harsh. But we must remember that there are still places verdant and alive, and they will welcome us when no others will.

It is comforting to know that, when we are long gone, the park will yet remain. For all those who seek it.
For this exercise we had to make a lowpoly cube world based on three prompts. My own prompts were Park, Calm, and Path/Road. Above you can see some of my early screenshots and renders. My final render is at the top of the page. I've attached my wireframe below.
Before i started all this, i needed to make some sketches and mood/styleboards. You can see those below this paragraph.
And finally, when it was all done, we had to upload our 3d-model to sketchfab and add things like lighting and opacity in there. I have embedded that below. Look at it all you want.
A day at the park

A day at the park


Creative Fields