Profil appartenant à Daria Konovalova

Daria. Character design for my personal brand

Recently, I wanted to update my social media avatar, but it all turned into a big project of designing a character and environment. 

Her name is Daria, she's an illustrator, and she's basically me, ha-ha! I started the design by preparing the turnaraund sheet with some basic clothes on.
Then I tried to imagine the place where Daria lived. This place should be filled with things that she loves and that characterize her. There are funny drawings on the walls, crafted wall hanging with fishes and embroideries with natural motifs. It's all done by Daria and she likes to sit cozily in this place to relax with a mug of tea
Everyone knows Daria as a pretty cheerful and friendly person, but this isn't always the truth. She can be quite grumpy in the morning, especially if she hasn't slept well and doesn't want to get out of her warm and cozy blanket. 
Daria is also a freelancer and works from home. Right now she doesn't have a workspace in her apartment, but she's doing great in the kitchen along with tea and treats. 

I plan to continue my series of illustrations about Daria's life, there's a lot more to tell. Good luck to Daria and me, ha-ha!
A little update - Daria has a new friend now! I hope Mr. Tiger enjoys this friendship.
Thanks for watching and keep it cozy
Daria. Character design for my personal brand
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Daria. Character design for my personal brand

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