Desiree Marvins profil

What Weight Should I Be Lifting?

A graduate of Concordia College, Desiree Marvin is a shareholder and workspace research of Marvin. When she isn’t busy studying human experience to improve employee involvement at the company, Desiree Marvin maintains an active lifestyle through regular weightlifting.

Lifting weights is a great way of gaining muscle mass and improving strength, but many people lift the wrong amount of weight, increasing their risks of injury. Ideally, you want a weight that is heavy enough that you feel challenged when completing the last two or three repetitions in your set. The goal is to complete a weightlifting rep feeling maxed out and still have enough energy for the remaining sets in your routine.

The number of reps and sets you have also varies based on skill level. For beginners, aim for eight to 16 repetitions of weights 60 to 80 percent of your maximum capacity. Once you become more used to weight lifting, there is no issue with lifting at 80 percent capacity or more. However, your number of reps will lower in this instance. If your form suffers throughout your workout or near the end of your session, the weights you are lifting are too heavy. Remember that the key is feeling tired at the end of your workout without sacrificing form.
What Weight Should I Be Lifting?

What Weight Should I Be Lifting?


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