Henkilön Rosalba Porpora profiili

Appellation - Single-Origin

The second series of products for appellation is the single origin and it wants to empathize the origin of the natural ingredients which are the base of each product.

To have the ingredients and the "naturality" of the products highlighted I came up with the illustrations which are the central element of each label, giving an immediate hint about the origin of each scent. The illustrations representing the plants are hand-drawn and want to call to memory also the botanical world, highlighted also in the text.

As main color we choose the dark brown to create a deeper link to the nature and to the connection with the plants. Also the color was chosen to perfectly work in combination with the golden color used to highlight the logo and the door and to give the premium feeling of the products.

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Appellation - Single-Origin


Projektin tilaaja

Appellation - Single-Origin
