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Background / 專案背景


When the global warming gets worse, we think that polar bears will disappear. 
What about the Inuit?
The local temperature in the Arctic Circle has reached an astonishing 28 degrees Celsius. A small town in Siberia has set a high temperature of 38 degrees Celsius this year, as if living on the equator. In the future, most of the snow and glaciers in the Arctic will melt, and the Inuit will have to change their way of life. But can their bodies adapt to the warm environment? This is the biggest problem. They have adapted to severe cold and low temperature. The main reason for their ability to withstand severe cold is the mutations in the two groups of genes, TBX15 and WARS2, which make them extremely adaptable to the polar regions. The metabolism of the body is so fast, and the ability to withstand severe cold is so strong, which cannot be changed in a short period of time. The Inuit will certainly have difficulty adapting in a short period of time. Various problems have occurred, and even the sharp decline in population has led to extinction.

Product making

Package Design


Year: 2021
Art Direction:
You-Ru Lin​​​​​​​
Graphic Design:
You-Ru Lin​​​​​​​
Candle Making: You-Ru Lin​​​​​​​ 

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