Authentic Protrusions is a magazine created to educate and inspire those seeking knowledge about the fashion world today and how it is continually influenced by the past. I created this magazine with the goal of researching the ways in which fashion evolves, but also stays the same. I wanted to highlight the impact of vintage fashion trends and how they have been weaved into our fashion realm to this day. With the goal of also inspiring others to explore their personal style and the ways in which they express themselves, I gathered photography and dialouge through this journey, discovering the true meaning behind these ideas through others. 

One of my favorite parts of the process of creating this magazine was illustrating the details into each page, that made them stand out in a unique way. Experimenting with different styles and skills allowed me to make each page in this magazine different from the next.

Another part of the process that I enjoyed while crafting this magazine was creating the ads throughout. I was challenged by this component but ultimately I was able to grow my skills in photoshop and create ads that were realistic and that I was proud of.
 Before I started working on this magazine I knew that I wanted to expand my knowledge and skills in photography, and it became another key area of growth for me. Through exploration as well as lots of trial and error I was able to shoot photos that were dynamic and complementary to the topics I was researching. 

This was definitely one of the most challenging parts in terms of coordinating the stylistic elements of the photography, in the pursuit of fitting the theme and style that was already established in my magazine.
Here is a look at all 24 pages of my publication Authentic Protrusions! 
Authentic Protrusions

Authentic Protrusions
