Petros N. Zouzoulas's profile

Dubai Metro Route2020 R71 Discovery Gardens Station

Dubai Metro "Route2020" R71 Discovery Gardens Station
We started planning this station (and the entire line) in July of 2014.  We had a "simple" task, connect Dubai Marina to the future EXPO Site by rail, with a total travel time being less than 20 minutes.  When the Contract was awarded in July of 2016, there remained only 4 years to build the new line which consisted of 7 stations. 
The following series of photographs show (in reverse order) the construction of this elevated station over a 5 year period.  When I first found my way onto the nearest roof top in 2016, I knew how I wanted the final photo of the station to look like.  I had hoped for a more impressive sunset but given the +40C temperatures, high humidity and dust in the air, I didn't manage to get one of those splendid Dubai sunsets to compliment the view. Nonetheless, still happy with the result (but I may give it another try on a whim if atmospheric conditions are just right!) 
Dubai Metro Route2020 R71 Discovery Gardens Station

Dubai Metro Route2020 R71 Discovery Gardens Station
