Moving in Stasis is an unfolding exhibition of 60 design Academy Eindhoven Graduates 2020 at gallery 3 By You, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, (March 8 - April 11, 2021)

The exhibition and public programme that revisits and recasts the Academy’s Master graduation projects from 2020. Until that time, the projects have been kept in storage, awaiting their moment of display. In collaboration with Het Nieuwe Instituut, sixty works are transplanted to Gallery 3 By You, six months after the moment of graduation.

Moving in Stasis is an exhibition of its own making. Constructed as an evolving set-piece and culminating in a digital public programme, participants occupied a hybrid structure over five weeks, formed in three acts: Installation, Production, and Public Programme. Entirely curated, designed, and developed by the graduates themselves, the exhibition disentangles and re-stages performance, film screenings, objects, writings, radio broadcasts, and more. 

In January the graduate started to craft the show dividing themselves in teams based on skills and interests; three months after, the exhibition was ready. Due to the extension of Covid restrictions, the public was mainly digital: the website and the social media account became the main channels to deliver an exhibition experience in constant evolution.

Moving in Stasis unfolds itself in three acts. And so does the website. Conceived as a digital translation of the physical space, assumed form following three stages of upload. 

ACT 1 - Installation / Stage 1 (March 3 - March 23, 2021)
The first form of the website is a simple landing page. An animated gif introduces the visual concept of the exhibition: the language of storage spaces and their standard system of communication. Tapes and shelves delimit the areas of warehouses: these elements are also part of the Moving in Stasis exhibition design, graphically interpreted as yellow and orange stripes, lines, and text boxes.

ACT 2 - Production / Stage 2 (March 23 - April 8, 2021)
The online visitors can explore the interactive exhibition floor plan. The yellow dots lead to the Project page, while the orange areas direct to the Public Programme, which still has to be announced. The projects of the participants are listed by status (concept, ongoing or completed), tags, and featuring in the Public Programme. Each designer uploaded photos and videos of one or multiple projects, supplied with description and bio. The About page gives more insights on the makers of the exhibition, which are also its participants.

ACT 3 - Publication / Stage 3 ( April 8 - April 11, 2021)
The Public Programme schedule is fully updated online. The visitors can watch the TV streaming, and listen to the exhibition Radio and podcasts. It is a very long page, structured in sections with several collapsible panels, which disclose the content after the visitors' click. 

Moving in Stasis is now became an exhibition archive. The participants’ project pages are updated and all the audio and video contributions are now archived: Check out the participants' project pages and the public programme to see all the visual and audio contributions!

Charly Blödel, Sergi Casero, Pete Fung, Anna Iversen, Matilde Losi, Samein Shamsher, Ceola Tunstall-Behrens, Zeniya Vreugdenhil

Charly Blödel, Sergi Casero, Ceola Tunstall-Behrens, Zeniya Vreugdenhil

Bianca Carague, Roberta Di Cosmo, Jan-Micha Gamer, Matilde Losi, Matilde Patuelli, Marta Ríos-Pizà , Ceola Tunstall-Behrens

Pete Fung, Zeniya Vreugdenhil

Charly Blödel, François Chambard, Anna Iversen, Gavin Jones, Flora Lechner, Anna Michail, Zeniya Vreugdenhil

Sofia Bresciani, Sergi Casero

Cinzia Bongino, Federico Santarini

Charly Blödel, Meghan Clarke, Helen Milne, Ceola Tunstall-Behrens, Zeniya Vreugdenhil

Roberta Di Cosmo, Pete Fung, Miguel Guevera Parra, Anna Iversen, Anna Michail, Matilde Patuelli, Marta Ríos-Pizà, Ceola Tunstall-Behrens

Thomas de Boer, Pim Harding (Videographers), Jaap Beyleveld (Photographer), Jack Bardwell (Radio Consultant), Florian van Zandwijk (Video Livestream Advisor)

Moving in Stasis


Moving in Stasis

Moving in Stasis is an unfolding exhibition of 60 Design Academy Eindhoven Graduates 2020 at Gallery 3 By You, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam.
