A project to write a 32 page journal with any content at all.
Many students produced magazines or photography books, but I decided to try to write a book. A 32 page fictional journal that told a story.
The narrative itself is incredibly post-modern, relying on the reader to explore the themes raised in the journal. There are many references outside of the text, ones that need to be researched by the reader in order to fully understand a lot of the details. The story is entirely self-contained, but with only 32 pages of scrapbook style journal, I had to rely on outside works to provide a lot of the context.
The content uses a lot of found material from textbooks, websites, and existing novels. These sit alongside created charts, images, photographs and many other bits of detritus.
The original book was presented will all of these elements stuck in, the notes scribbled on freehand onto the pages. Any copies of the book are printed from scans in order to easily replicate it. The original is more of an experimental art piece than a novel, something the viewer sees in a gallery and can then purchase the printed copy of the book in order to explore the narrative more fully.


Cabinet of Curiosities A project to write and design a 32 page journal about things I found interesting. I picked post-modern literature, creativ Leer más
