Celebrating the anniversary of Scott's South Pole Terra Nova expedition, and Shackleton's trans-Antarctic mission on the Endurance, these eight posters were created to commemorate the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. Done in the style of turn of the Century cut out posters, they were kept deliberately simple in looks, but took a huge amount of time to research and create. The posters are intricately detailed with as many photographs and documents referenced as possible to obtain a completely authentic result. 
The portraits were based on photographs of the Captains, and the three other posters for each expedition show the most important points of their missions.
The point of the project was not to educate the viewer as they would ideally be shown in a museum setting. There's no short supply of educational sources on Scott and Shackleton's expeditions; my intent was to make creative, accurate, and slightly romanticized images based on an inspiring time of history.
Cape Evans
Terra Nova
The Last Hurrah
Last Light of Summer
Death of the Endurance
Four Months Under A Boat
The Antarctic

The Antarctic

A poster series created for exhibition to commemorate the anniversary of Captains Scott and Shackleton's missions to the South Pole.
