Profil Andrea Calanchi

Tear-off Mascot | Sport4Climate

If we keep acting as we are, if we keep wasting resources without thiking about the consequences, if we keep pretending everything is ok, many animal species around the world will become extinct in a few years because of climate change.

Climate change is going to strike sports in the form of mascots. the rarest species of animals in the world are in DANGER. Yherefore fans risk to lose the main characters of hundreds of beautiful memories. and we are sure everyone remembers a great moment led by a mascot.

We decided to make the mascots disappear using the classic tear off flyer. we suggested that these be seen year around at the major sport events in order to reach as many people as possible. Creating posters for each and every sport we believe will mazimise awareness. After seeing their mascots on the flyer, fans will be brought to call the number for the reward: only at this point we will tell them about us and what we do, and that the true reward is a better world the we respect.

Digital activation
We moved the guerrilla from the streets to the biggest city in the world, internet. We used the iphone app “find my iphone” and turned it into a minygame. In fact,  scanning the QR code on the flyer will send the fan to the app where they will be able to interact with some information to find out that the mascot they love has been forced to move somewhere else in the world... other than this they will see some facts as the  expected longevity of the mascot spieces or the two outcome of our behevior:
if we keep doing nothing we will erase nature from our planet or if we act now doing something we will help the cause. 

Tear-off Mascot | Sport4Climate


Tear-off Mascot | Sport4Climate
