Vignesh going into a planche hold. 
Parkour is a way of life to it's practitioners. To others it may seem like reckless jumping about. To anyone with an eye for beauty, it is an expression of the innate beauty that movement can have. 

On a clear day in 2011, I asked Vishal and Vignesh to join me at this empty location in the heart of Chennai, India, and these images are the result. 
A Tic-Tac
Vishal doing a palm-spin on a low wall. 
A forward flip.
Precision Jump.
A Tuck-Jump, just at the moment before he lands.
Pistol squats whild balancing on iron rods.
A webster off a low platform.
Parkour Project pt1

Parkour Project pt1

A few photographs taken for the joy of movement, on a clear Chennai Day.
