Avanti Premkumar's profile

The Panopticon | Spatial Design

Spatial Design


As part of our classroom assignment, we were expected to redesign a space in close proximity to us (due to travel restrictions imposed during ongoing pandemic) and possibly imagine it to be situated in an alternate universe altogether. The space was to be redesigned in either a fictional or non - fictional manner, but the story pertaining to the redesigned space must be completely different to that of its original one. The physical aspects of the space were to be left unchanged, i.e. the reimagined space should still be recognizable in some way or the other to the original space.

The space chosen by me was the water tank (located on ground - level) within society premises.
Original Space : Society's Water Tank
Space Reimagined : The Panopticon
The Panopticon : In perspective and Orthographic projection
The Panopticon : Final Render
The Panopticon | Spatial Design

The Panopticon | Spatial Design
