Profil appartenant à Molly Freedenberg

The Art Monastery Project

The Art Monastery Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit with headquarters in San Francisco and a test-site/art production house based in central Italy. The organization's purpose was to create a year-round residential community that supported a holistic life focusing equally on creativity, contemplation, and community.
As an executive staff member for nearly three years, I was instrumental in applying for non-profit status, creating our mission and vision statement, concept development for events and fundraising campaigns, website design and maintenance, creative direction and graphic design for marketing materials,, recruiting and managing volunteers and interns, planning and documenting board meetings, planning and manging travel arrangements for executive staff, and overseeing facilities.
Ad Mortem, an original theater piece, performed at the Spoleto Fringe Festival and Calici sotto le stelle in 2013.
Performance at Calici sotto le stelle, co-created with Commedia dell' Arte expert Valeria Parisi and performed nightly in summer, 2013.
One of a series of musical performances at events, weddings, festivals, and conferences throughout Italy.
Poster for a photojournalism exhibit about post-hurricane Haiti by world-renowned journalist and photographer Christine Finn and hosted at the Art Monastery Project's location in Italy.
The Artmonk Retreat, an annual, week-long workshop dedicated to creativity and contemplation, held in 2010 and 2011 at the Integratron in Joshua Tree, California.
Flyer for American-style Halloween and Thanksgiving events geared towards American expats, including employees of the American Embassy in Rome, and Italian friends of the Art Monastery.
Vivamus!, a site-specific itinerant theater piece performed throughout the old town of Magliano Sabbina.
150, an itinerant theater spectacle about Italy's unification directed by respected Italian director Ivan Tanteri.
Still from Gioco di Fuoco, an original site-specific fire opera based on the myth of Vesta and performed with props and pyrotechnics specially created for the show, performed at various Iocations in Italy in 2011.
A one-night San Francisco as part of a 2011 informational and fundraising tour of 10 cities, including Seattle, Portland, New York City, and New Orleans.
The Art Monastery Project
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The Art Monastery Project

The Art Monastery Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit with headquarters in San Francisco and a test-site/art production house based in central Italy. Lire la suite

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