Gya Labs is known to be the first choice for the people all over the world looking for Frankincense essential oil.

Gya Labs has excellent track record in Frankincense essential oil. Almost all the client get satisfied with the result after using Frankincense essential oil.

One of three gifts given to baby Jesus, along with Myrrh and gold. And it’s no wonder why! A treasured oil even in other cultures like Somalia, brave locals would travel on rugged mountains for just a few kilograms of this highly prized resin. Truly fit for a king!

A peaceful and spiritual oil of the finest quality, you can rejuvenate your mind & body with frankincense oil. It calms your spirits to help you find peace of mind. Turn back the hands of time as it smooths wrinkles and reduces skin irritation for a renewed, younger look.  

Key Benefits
a) Promotes peace of mind
b) Tightens skin & reduces fine lines
c) Soothes skin irritation 
d) Relieves muscle pain 
e) Boosts oral health 
f) Strengthens natural immunity 

How To Use : 
Add 2-3 drops into diffusers to relax the mind & experience peace, while boosting body health.
Dilute with skin-friendly carrier oils & gently massage to moisturize & carry nourishing benefits into skin.
Dilute 1-2 drops in water. Rinse in mouth to cleanse, soothe inflammation & for oral health benefits.
Frankincense essential oil
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Frankincense essential oil

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