NFT Universe
A series of artworks based on the perception of a person who is not immersed in this environment and whose perception is based only on scraps of information from social networks and random speculation.
The name of the artwork comes from a combination of the words Dis Pater and Connection, which are either connected by an underscore or written with space, now we are in Schrodinger's environment.

Dis Pater is the Roman god of the underworld. Originally Dis was associated with mineral wealth, and since these minerals came from beneath the earth, he was later equated with Pluto (Hades). Hence the man standing above the city wishes to connect to these unknown treasures and magical culture that everyone is talking about.

Here I show a man looking at a futuristic city as if he is above everything and aware of what is going on, although the buildings appear here with interference and a strange perspective, perhaps it is a real city after all.
Only the figure is clean, without a glitch, fully prepared, and already almost merged with its surroundings, it has almost detached itself from reality and is ready to connect.
Now, this person is in the neutral zone, she is on her own and only a step separates her from jumping into the unknown and so enticing cyberspace.
NFThereum GOD
In the second artwork, at the bottom of the composition, we see a small figure of a man who has lost his form and is completely subjugated to the surrounding reality.
The symmetrical and clear environment reduces the viewer's gaze to the central figure of some majestic entity that the visitor of this world imagined. This is how he pondered this technology, which creates NFT from Ethereum and other blockchain technologies.
The man sees a figure that holds the symbols of air, water, fire, which together create the form of the Ethereum, the octahedron. Through a portal, he mines files through thin paths that flow through the system creating decentralized data.

After seeing this universe, the viewer has no answer as to whether this is actually the case, or whether this is a hologram of a person who is connected to the system, and we are simply observing an image of him. Does this person have the ability to disconnect and return to the real world, or has he completely uploaded himself into the system and the past is meaningless?
D. Evil
Creation process
NFT Universe


NFT Universe
