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Illustrate a Custom Mandala: SkillShare Class

Starting today, enroll for free in my first online Skillshare class: Illustrate a Custom Mandala Design in Adobe Photoshop with Your Graphics Tablet! You'll learn my whole process, from concept sketching, brush settings, lineart, shading and color, so that you can design your own unique & intricate mandala. Can't wait to see you there!
What You'll Learn
You'll learn my methods for how I create intricately designed graphics using no more than a basic graphics tablet, Adobe Photoshop and your immagination. 
We'll cover: 
Sketching. You'll create a design template and learn how to develop your rough concept digitally
Line Work. How to execute tight line work in Photoshop
Layering. How to use layers to create clean and versatile art files in Photoshop
Shading. How to shade and color your work in Photoshop
I'll also cover tips and tricks for specific brush settings you'll find useful for this class and any other Photoshop projects you embark on.

What You'll Do
You'll be able to apply these skills immediately to a piece of artwork of your own by creating a mandala - a basic and beautiful geometric pattern which you can make as intricate and colorful as you please. 
Click Here to Enroll Now!
Use the methods taught in this class to design and illustrate a mandala that is totally unique and original.
Can't wait to see you in the class! Enroll for free:
Illustrate a Custom Mandala: SkillShare Class

Illustrate a Custom Mandala: SkillShare Class

Illustrate a Custom Mandala Design in Adobe Photoshop with Your Graphics Tablet
