Alexandra Lupes 님의 프로필

Student Project - Arcub - theatre design

[ university project ]
The aim of the project was to improve the current looks and functionality of Arcub's thatre hall. The design task was about  improving acoustics, having the possibility to integrate modern technique in the hall and a coherent image of the interior. Also, the hall was supposed to become a multipurpose space, so as to be able to have a larger variety of shows (from live concerts to contemporary dance, for instance).
As it follows, I will present my proposal for this task.
Pictures of the study model:
The idea was to have a floor that, by adjusting the hight, would be able to create more types of configurations, leading to the possibilty of having more types of shows.
In its default mode, the thatre hall would look like this:
The acoustic panels' pattern was designed for this project.
In order to demonstrate the way in which the space modifies itself, we were asked to show two different plays, a "classical" one ( with the usual hall configuration ) and an unconventional one, with all the freedom that comes along. We were also asked to have a suggestion for the set designs.
The first play ( the classical one) is about a lost letter that causes a lot of  fuss during the elections. For that, when doing the set design, I proposed a series of panels that would be the canvas for different peojections.
The second play (the unconventional one) is, in fact, a complilation of short stories that take place in Bucharest, in the late 1800s. Being the fact that at the time, the social life was very important to many people, I imagined it as a story told in a crowded bar / cabaret. The actor would go around the tables and tell the audience these stories.
Student Project - Arcub - theatre design


Student Project - Arcub - theatre design

Interior design for Arcub.
