Offspring is a site-specific work that visualizes Pine Tree seedlings spring off from soil. Along the Pine Circle Trail resides a group of Pine Trees large and small, and then there are their offsprings. Offspring attempts to reinterpret the very big first step that seedlings take to become, be like and to be stronger and better than their parents. While the hallmark of Pine Trees is an evergreen leaf, I attempt to recreate the features of the trunk of Pine Tree to emphasize the vitality and strength of the seedlings. The colors of Offspring are also chosen to blend in with the colors of the trunk of Pine Tree and the soil at the site. Seedlings are tiny, seem skinny and fragile. But, the strength, vitality and recovery they make are remarkable, astonishing, beautiful and make Mother Nature very proud.
Dimension: 7 pieces in Various Sizes
Medium: Hand Dyed Cable Ties, Cable Ties, Tent Stakes
Year: 2021
Location: I-Park Foundation, East Haddam, CT, USA

The installation, Offspring is a site-responsive commissioned artwork in celebration of I-Park's 20th anniversary. Offspring will be exhibited at The I-Park's 2021 Site-Responsive Art Biennale, eighth in the series, on September 18, 2021.


