Profil von Go Srushti

A2 Milk in Navi Mumbai

A2 Milk in Navi Mumbai  
Go Srushti deleivers A2 Milk in Navi Mumbai. Our Gir cows at vita farms are allowed to roam freely around the farm, and soak in the sunlight, while they feast on organic and balanced nutrition fodder, rather than being tied to a corner in the shed. We strongly believe in pure A2 milk, the calf is well-fed before each cow is milked. With the most advanced Gir cows farm we ensure the production and distribution of 100% natural farm fresh A2 milk  in Navi Mumbai. We ensure maximum preservation of nutrients the milk is made available at your doorstep within few hours of milking
A2 Milk in Navi Mumbai

A2 Milk in Navi Mumbai

