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What to Consider When Deciding on a Book Editor

What to Consider When Deciding on a Book Editor
Although writing a book is a deeply personal experience, it is, in the end, a business endeavor that generally works best when not taken entirely personally. When it comes to the people who will be working with you on the project, you need good rapport and like-mindedness about what is to be accomplished. If you're a first-time author self-publishing a book, trying to find a book editor or a publicist is a unique process. You'll need to speak to several people, ask questions, think over their answers, and consider the price of their services. But in the end, you need to select based on chemistry.

You'll be receiving a lot of suggestions and feedback from an editor. Although they know to keep comments on a professional level, your ability to accept them depends on respect and rapport. You want to get the most out of the editing service you engage in and therefore make sure the personalities mesh in a way that sparks a healthy back-and-forth. The concrete parts of book editing, such as catching spelling errors and typos, are a given, but your editor may also give suggestions in other areas. Your ability to accept the advice and make changes will depend in some part on your relationship.

Self-published authors who want to succeed are wise to consider the competition from traditionally published books that benefit from the publisher's infrastructure. You need to coordinate and match many of those functions, such as editing and marketing, on your own. Your book is at a competitive disadvantage without them, even if the story or nonfiction content is outstanding. Also, readers tend to be interested in an author's future work, so you want the first book to be compelling and memorable. Reviewers and the media likewise consider an author's future books based on their earlier impressions.

If you're a business person or professional writing a nonfiction book in your area of expertise as a vehicle to generate visibility and promotion, it needs to be excellent. Books are potent reputation builders, and they might cut both ways. If you publish an unedited book that turns off readers or receives criticism from the media or bloggers, your professional reputation may be harmed. For authors of this type, the stakes are even higher, which indicates that professional editing support for your book project is a requirement, not an option. A successful book can boost your career and business.
What to Consider When Deciding on a Book Editor

What to Consider When Deciding on a Book Editor


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