Temp Agency Services, Inc
   The look requested was clean, professional, but not too serious. The repetition of gears throughout the design is meant as a nod to temporary employees as a crucial cog in the machine.

Tim Morin Carpentry
The logo was designed as a stylized version of the client's family farm. The style, meant to reference a simplified woodcut, invokes the precision and smoothness of the client's carpentry work.

Personal Branding

This branding was based on pre-existing branding created for the client many years ago. Unfortunately, all that was left was a tiny, pixelated, rasterized sketch. The image was redrawn from scratch with added elements, and then business cards were created. (Yes, the client's husband is, in fact, the carpenter above! Amazingly talented couple!)

Branding Projects

Branding Projects

A few of my favorite recent branding projects.
