Profil appartenant à Elyzebeth McGaugh-Workman

Project 1, Elyzebeth McGaugh-Workman

This project had us focus on working with Pantones in Tri-, Duo-, and Monotones with applying them to our objects in our work. The application of this allowed us to use items and words of us to create a fully personal poster. 
My creative process can be seen. For this project my pantone pallet was a mix of navy blue, pale blue, and pink. The darker photo of myself and the chainmail weave are each of the blues in monotone. As well the Beyblade is a pink monotone. The dice is a duotone of both blues, and the larger photo of myself is a tritone of all three. The background is all pantones set to different transparency. I applied the multiply effect to the weave and the smaller photo of myself. 
Project 1, Elyzebeth McGaugh-Workman
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Project 1, Elyzebeth McGaugh-Workman

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