Title: Study of an Unknown Inmate 8
Artist: Veronica Huacuja
Medium: Oil, crayon on paper
Size: 19 x 24 x 0.1 in
Year: 2021
Collection: “The Relentless”
I based this artwork on a screenshot from a true crime documentary. This with deep respect for the implicated persons in the case.

What provoked me to make up this work was the forceful presence of the character, his attitude and strange, sordid deformity.

I add one more thing, my work isn’t an apology for crime, it’s just my interpretation of a phenomenon.

Other works at

I’m an art coach too, so for those interested in enjoying or learning the procedures of visual arts, head over to https://www.patreon.com/veronicahuacuja

Visit anytime https://veronica.mx

Thank you for reading.

#crimescene, #inmate, #mugshot, #artpal, #patreon, #neug, #artpal, #galeriasalamarte, #colectivohabitacionpropia, #venusinas.arte
Study of an Unknown Inmate 8


Study of an Unknown Inmate 8
