
做這間實品屋最一開始的想法是將建案本身最好的地理環境條件給突顯出來,特別是在新北關渡大橋旁、擁有面河背山如此壯闊之美景,我們一定要努力的將它完整保留下來。因此在設計規劃上,我們運用了大量天然環保藝術礦物塗料來營造出各式充滿自然味與時間感之元素:比如像是久經歲月風霜的斑駁鏽蝕鋼樑、未經修飾的頹廢感沁涼水泥天花、或是那粗曠野性不可撼動的火山岩石牆、甚或是踩起來仿彿會發出聲響的仿舊人字拼地板… 所有的室內設計在滿足生活實用機能前提下,皆是圍繞著自然而做、順著大地而生。



完成年月:2019年 6月
Enlightenment and Emptiness

With the building located beside the Guandu Bridge in New Taipei City, we wished to highlight the remarkable geographical landscape (i.e., a magnificent view of the river in the front and the mountain at the back) that the building enjoyed. Accordingly, when designing and planning this building, we utilized a lot of natural, environmentally friendly paint to create a myriad of elements embodying a sense of nature and time. Examples include weathered, mottled, and corroded steel beams; undecorated, ice-cold cement ceilings; and rough, unshakable volcanic rock walls. All designs are natural and satisfy the residents’ functional needs.

“Enlightenment” is a thinking process that one must embark on to arrive at the conclusion of “emptiness.” A quiet view of life reveals how people enjoy the countless beauty of nature when it thrives, and how the people “blossom” with nature as they mature. However, over time, such nature and people age and wither, and the once colorful scenes eventually come to an end.
23 Design inc. / Residential / Taiwan Tamsui  / 2019




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