Ps express
Highlights/brightness/radial blur
The highlighted sentence is one of the principles I live by. I don’t currently subscribe to an organized religion but if I had to identify with one it would be Buddhism or Hinduism. I believe that all of my circumstances now are based on previous decisions. Some days are better than others but when I find myself lacking or doubting myself, this is a mantra I try to think back to in order to realign with my purpose and goals. This saying/quote brings calmness to the chaotic storm of what life is sometimes and helps me understand that each move I make be it right or wrong in the moment is a step further into who I will be in the future. 
Ps express
This photo is of the locker room in my gym. Since middle school this room has been terrifying for me. As a kid I was always self conscious about my body and would never get dressed or undressed in front of other women because they didn’t look like me. I noticed some of that insecurity carried over into adulthood as I am on a continuous journey to my ideal body. As of today, some of that insecurity has vanished but each time I walk in this locker room or any place I have to get undressed for that matter, sometimes that feeling of discomfort in my belly comes back. The only difference now is I have more of a “so what” attitude so it makes this room a little less terrifying. 
iPhone edit 
The photo above is a park in Philly. Bodies of still water have always bought me a feeling of contentment. I become very peaceful and at ease when I’m surrounded by water. Sometimes water also frightens me because it can also be destructive. How can something so calming destroy so many homes and hurt so many people when mixed with wind? Water reminds me there is good and evil in everything, even myself, peers and family. It also reminds me to take things and people as they currently are regardless of what their past may look like. Water is a haven for me, I literally took one birthday just to chase waterfalls and I enjoyed every piece of it. 
Photo diary

Photo diary


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