For the Video Remix project, I wanted to draw a parallel between quarantining with your family during the pandemic and the movie "The Shining." This has been a long year, especially for those of us who have been on lockdown with our families. It was great at the start of the pandemic when the weather was nice and we were all happy to get to spend some extra time together, but as the spring turned into the summer and the summer turned into the fall and the fall turned into the winter, we started to go a little bit stir crazy. My video highlights this progression in a dramatic yet relatable way. The upbeat and optimistic news report is juxtaposed with the clip of blood seeping through the walls, drawing attention to how we are surrounded by death and no matter how “normal” we try to pretend things are, our mental health is suffering. And to end the video in a comedic way, I paired the audio that says “most importantly, have fun” with the clip of Jack about to murder his family.

This project was a challenge for me, as I was not familiar with video editing software. I learned many useful tools through creating this video including to how arrange videos and audio in Adobe Premier Pro and how to screen record on my laptop. Although it was frustrating at first, I feel much more confident in my video editing skills and I look forward to creating more video projects on Adobe Premier Pro in the future!
Video Remix

Video Remix
