Perfil de Aderemi Enny

Pains of a growing Child

    Reflecting on my days as a child, my worries-free days. So full of fun having nothing to bother about, mama made sure I was never hungry, we all wanted to be what we saw on TV. My teenage days went faster than I thought, at a time I wanted to be a lawyer, an​​​​​​​other time a professor was fine. Now all I want to be is a rapper and nothing more. I've become conscious of my dreams, all I want to do now is live it. The stress is killing me slowly. 
    My life is a trip, my soul is that of a sojourner journeying on a voyage without being sure of where I'm heading to. Sightseeing through these windows of dreams, guided by hopes and belief. Went through a lot at a younger age, I never felt like a kid. Just a boy weary of his fate as I take a step into adulthood, my name is Enny and this is my story.
 On an Unknown path, I took a walk.
Without clear vision of what lies ahead.
Thorns & bushes tears my feet.
Struggling to break free from the bondage of thoughts
Damn! I love the man I'm becoming, but the stress & long suffering.
I cling unto my pen for hope
My notepad tell tales of my struggles.
Burying my head in a cloud of worries
I march toward tomorrow with an army of strife
Broken desires, Haunted Visions 
Yet I keep on walking to the village of dreams.
Pains of a growing Child
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Pains of a growing Child

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