Paul Alan Grosses profil

Bhojanshala Punjabi/Gurmukhi TrueType font

The 'PG Bhojanshala' family is a facsimile of a person's handwriting and is provided in Bold.
Bhojanshala means a place to eat or a restaurant and represents to hurried, scribbled on a piece of paper that is too small type of handwriting that you might get in that situation.
The example below is one of the many versions of the order that the drunken group of people order in the famous TV sketch show 'Goodness Gracious Me'...
As always, the font characters are in the Unicode space for Gurmukhi and in the phonetic ASCII range.

Note that the Adhak and the Tippee are fairly wide so if you find that they have collided with another above-the-line feature such as a sihari, you can use the short space mapped to the underscore key to add extra space with a line as required.
You can download the font from the owner's site here:
Bhojanshala Punjabi/Gurmukhi TrueType font


Bhojanshala Punjabi/Gurmukhi TrueType font


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