Perfil de Deep Sleep

Relaxing Slow Music

How to Make Relaxing baby music Part of Your Sleep Hygiene
Music can be a great part of healthy Sleep Music. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while incorporating music into a sleep-promoting evening routine.
Make it a habit: Routine is great for sleep. Create evening rituals that give the body sufficient time to wind down, incorporating music in a way that’s calming and consistent.
Find enjoyable songs: If a pre-made playlist isn’t working, try making a mix of songs that you find enjoyable. While many people benefit from songs with a slower tempo, others may find relaxation with more upbeat soothing music. Feel free to experiment and see what works best.
Avoid songs that cause strong emotional reactions: We all have songs that bring up strong emotions. Listening to those while trying to sleep may not be a great idea, so try music that’s neutral or positive.
Be careful with headphones: Headphones and earbuds may cause damage to the ear canal while sleeping if the volume is too high. Sleeping with earbuds can also lead to a build up of earwax and may increase the risk of ear infections. Instead, try setting up a small stereo or speaker somewhere close to the bed. Choosing speakers without bright light, which can interfere with sleep, and find a volume that is soothing and not disruptive.
Relaxing Slow Music
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Relaxing Slow Music

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