New Packaging
Let’s begin with the redesign of Borax’s packaging. The original packaging was a clumsy cardboard box with an opening on the side for pouring. This is good in theory, but it’s not very functional and is in no way resealable or waterproof. I’ve designed a convenient tub with a lid and included scoop for easy measuring.
In-store Promotion
These stickers are meant to promote other cleaning aids that work wonders when paired with some good ole’ Borax. They also point consumers in the direction of our social media presence and our microsite.
In-store Promotion
These stickers are meant to promote other cleaning aids that work wonders when paired with some good ole’ Borax. They also point consumers in the direction of our social media presence and our microsite.
To be placed to Real Simple and Martha Stewart Living Magazines.
Web Banner
This is a rotating ad to be placed on the websites for Real Simple and Martha Stewart Living magazines. These will be a refresher of the ads the consumer may have already seen in the magazines. These link to the brand’s new microsite,
This is the heart of the re-branding. It is a vital resource for those consumers looking to explore the endless uses of Borax. Upon arriving at the site, you’re greeted with scrolling facts about Borax and a few of the ways it could make your life a little simpler. The navigation leads the consumer to ideas and recipes, as well as facts about the product.
Borax Re-brand
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Borax Re-brand

Sometimes you will impulse-buy a new cleaning product because it seems like the solution to all your cleaning issues right then. It’s shiny in it Lire la suite

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