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Digital Artwork - Greek Goddesses

Virgin goddess of the moon
There is something moon-soaked
and dawn-flavoured about her.
Something kissed by the wild
and loved by lightning.

She, the Goddess of storm hunting
and wolves and moonlight magic.
She, the queen of the forest,
of womanhood more brutal than tragic.
Nyx, mother to both violent death and restful sleep,
gentle dreams and putrid nightmares, 
home to all things both terrifying and glorious
Nyx was one of the daughters of Chaos, and she was appointed to be Goddess of the Night. She’s mysterious and all the gods know the extent of her power as primordial. Nyx is a vessel of all things dualistic. She contains the good and bad, the tragic and uplifting. Women are dualistic beings by nature. Our bodies can contain life and death. We can heal and break. Someone in ancient Greece thought that women and the night had much in common and created a goddess in our image.
Digital Artwork - Greek Goddesses


Digital Artwork - Greek Goddesses
