Profil appartenant à Ti-Ming Chu

2021 Lunar New Year Of Ox | A Better Tomorrow

牛年賀年卡:犇向未來日子 / A BETTER TOMORROW





The “ox” has many symbolic meanings in Asian culture.

Before the rise of agricultural machineries, the ox played an important role in farming. Farmers had an emotional connection with the oxen and would not consume beef to show their appreciation. Taiwanese people see the ox as diligent, strong, loyal, but also stubborn. These symbolisms are seen in many expressions used on a daily basis.

在這次的視覺中,置入了港片《英雄本色》裡非常多的元素。《英雄本色》的英文片名為 "A BETTER TOMORROW" ,而第二集的主題曲〈奔向未來的日子〉便是以三個牛頭的方式,象徵《英雄本色》的主角狄龍、張國榮與周潤發。





I have included many elements from the movie A Better Tomorrow in the design. In fact, the theme song, “Will Rush Toward Future Day”, for the sequel A Better Tomorrow II used three bull heads as symbolic figures for the leading actors, Ti Lung, Leslie Cheung, and Chow Yun-fat. 

The roll film was an important evidence of wrongdoing in the movie A Better Tomorrow. This was part of my design idea to emphasize that no matter what they say or do, the evidence of totalitarianism is obvious.

The universe has its patterns, the stars on the card reference not only the planets in the universe, but also the sparks from the gun fights in A Better Tomorrow. The line design on the back of the card represents the rebounding of the Taiwan economy following the effect of the COVID pandemic and the hope that COVID cases can be reduced to zero. This also represents us on earth getting back to normal and restoring our patterns.

The special Riso edition emphasizes that despite being a small island, Taiwan is welcoming to people from many different places. The cultural diversity is the most beautiful thing about this island. And when facing a challenge, instead of panicking and turning against each other, the people are united and work together to come out on top.

The design for this year’s card is tied to current events and cultural differences. This year is the Year of the Ox, I am hoping all of you can stay diligent and strong to overcome any challenges you may face this upcoming year.

Design | Ti-Ming Chu Workshop
Print | 印簿玩 Tooget
Riso Print | O.OO Risograph & Design
Photography | Chien Mo
Special Thank |Eric Liu

2021 Lunar New Year Of Ox | A Better Tomorrow
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2021 Lunar New Year Of Ox | A Better Tomorrow

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