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EraMax 123, A layered typeface.

EraMax 123, A Five Layer Display Typeface
EraMax 123 is a display typeface made up of 5 "stackable" fonts with options to choose between 2 base layers, 1 fill layer and 2 top, or texture layers. Available on MyFonts.

This geometric sans serif typeface is meant to be set large for best results. It's a great face for packaging, posters, or branding, where a strong, colourful voice is needed. It has a modern look and either a vintage techno or an old-time carnival mood that works well in a retro setting.

EraMax 123 is the second release of what is to be a series of typefaces inspired by the original signage* found in the T.H. & B. Railway station in Hamilton Ontario, a classic Art Moderne building designed by the New York architecture firm of Fellheimer and Wagner, and completed in 1933. ​​​​​​​

Let's take a quick layered fonts tutorial: Before starting, as anyone used to working with design apps such as Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, CorelDraw, etc, will know all objects in the work area, be it a page or an art board, have a stacking order from back to front. Newer objects are by default above older ones, and, the stacking order can be rearranged however you please. The name of each font suggests the intende stacking order. A-i and A-ii are outline layers and they go on the bottom. B-iii is the background colour layer and comes next. C-iv and C-v are texture layers and 

        •  Select one of the base layers (Ai or Aii) and type your message and choose a colour.
        •  Copy the text and paste in place on top of the base layer.  
        •  Change the new layer to Biii (the fill layer) and change the colour.
        •  Repeat and change the text to one of the texture layers (Civ or Cv) and change it to a new colour.
        •  And, BAM! You're done.

Usually I use the layers function in Illustrator. In my opinion it just makes future edits easier, because I can lock or turn off layers I'm not working on. But sometimes, it's just faster to stack them in the same layer, as long as I know I won't need get fussy and to come back make a bunch of text edits later on.)

Basic latin character set with selected accented characters.

Selected extended latin characters plus punctuation and symbols

Lining and old style figures, and  currency symbols

Lining and old style figures, and math symbols in context


EraMax 123, A layered typeface.

EraMax 123, A layered typeface.

EraMax 123 is a display typeface of 5 "stackable" fonts with options to choose between 2 base layers, 1 fill layer and 2 top, or texture layers t Se mer
