Coffee Pot

    Coffee pot is an onboarding graphics/ux project contracted to showcase the brand advert visuals. The goal here is to put out advert assets showcasing the brand promises and experiences. I was tasked to create the design strategy and this are some of the assets submitted. I really enjoyed working on this brand identity and i hope to add more design assets soon. Thanks for viewing
Coffee Pot brand identity

   Holistic approach to brand identity was employed to not only simplify the logo creation process but also give it a very minimalist form. I didnt go with too much detailings as this logo is quite self explanatory.
Product label design
   The product label design was created with simplicity in mind the focus being on the brand name and the variety of flavors the product comes in. I was able to craft a product label that leave a mark lomg after the content has been consumed.

Brand UI/UX

   The brand user interfaces showcases the various levels at which the users visualizes and interacts with the application from placing a order, picking from variety of available coffee flavors and most notably getting articles, discount prices and news letter from the application.
Coffee pot
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Coffee pot

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