Profil von I'm Kyle Visser

Journey Part 2: Keep Moving Forward

I have vivid dreams almost every night and even though I know that dreams don't really mean anything, I still find them fascinating so I decided to create a design inspired by dream interpretations and my own life.

Walking on a highway = Moving forward in life.
Fog = Fear and uncertainty during these times.
Under construction tower = Growth.
Completed towers = Goals, Wealth and Success.
Birds = Direction and Help.
Clearer view of the skyscrapers = Only when you get closer or face to face with your dreams can you experience them as they were intended and not how they are in your mind.

The bottom part of the highway is where one is lost but even then your mind knows there is always a way out. The "go back up" on written on the pillar is your mind telling you that you don't belong down here. It comes and goes because the mind is fighting the fears and negativity.

I have been experimenting with writing short sentences and creating trailer like voices. This was quite a fun process because you can't just talk into microphone and make it work, especially if you don't already have that deep voice. Lots of recordings and editing in Adobe Audition. 

Unfortunately the only microphone I had was on my gaming headset so the letter S drags a little and there was only so much editing I could do to improve the sound. 

Soundtrack used: Berend Salverda - Duality
Journey Part 2: Keep Moving Forward

Journey Part 2: Keep Moving Forward
