WEI group
Financial Consultancy
Design & Concept: Masum Ali
Design & Concept: Masum Ali
About the Project: vooz is a specialized social networking platform and mobile app designed by Microsoft.
C J Hills Real Estate
Design & Concept: Masum Ali
About the Project: C J Hills Real Estate is a mobile Real Estate Agent, they have no branches because they do everything in person. CJH compete with the big real estate companies but offer a boutique personalised service & approach with lower selling fees!
Design & Concept: Masum Ali
About the Project: clockworks is a famous cafe and cultural center. as per the study of the target audience and the overall culture, i decided to illustrate it in a steam punk artwork.
Diabetes Pharmacy
Concept & Design: Masum Ali
About the project: Diabest pharmacy is a famous pharmacy specialized in diabetes. the challenge was to keep the initial and adding diabet + pharmacy.
Design Warriors
Concept: Masum Ali
about the project: A design contest for a Bangladeshi crowed sourcing company was asked to form a logo that would inspire designers and entrepreneurs to join the community.
Drama Free:
Design & Concept: Masum Ali
About the project: A recovery organization
Concept: Masum Ali
about the project: GAP GUARD is a accessories manufacturing company that invents different items to guard automobile gaps(eg. seat gap etc....). Now Gap Guard accessories are fitted from by the automobile brands while manufacture.
Concept & Design: Masum Ali
Slogan: Catching the markets best talent
About the project: the organization "Hooked" provides recruitment services for small to medium enterprises by offering a cheaper alternative to recruitment. They charge a fixed rate for candidate shortlisting (approximately $600), but can charge more if the client requests a more detailed candidate search. Its aim is to look stylish, cool & young, while still having a sophisticated edge.
Design & Concept: Masum Ali
About the project: Maureen Cotton, a famous photographer. He has a global identity. He held a contest at 99 designs and the challenge was to create such logo where his symbol will speak his service.
Viper Motor:
Design & Concept: Masum Ali
North Star Resources Inc.
Concept & Design: Masum Ali

About the project: I thought a steampunk/classic compass incorporated into the logo. I would also liked North Star to be the most prominent aspect of the company name. The business is technology based.
Pradhan Orthopaedics   
Concept & Design: Masum Ali
About the project: Medical practice in Dallas, Texas with a focus on orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine. Target audience are all levels of athletes, from weekend warriors to professionals.
Plenisher LLC
Concept & Design: Masum Ali
About the project: A sell marketing, sales and payment software to distribution companies, beer and alcohol distributors.
"M" real estate
Concept & Design: Masum Ali

About the project: The business industry & the target audience is USA Real Estate & Mortgage.
freedom in fashion
Concept & Design: Masum Ali
Valti is an online platform for women to rent dresses to one another on college campuses. Rather than spend $150 at a department store, they can get the same fashion-forward dresses on our site for a tenth of the price. Their target audience is women, and they want to make their users feel like they're getting luxury and cutting-edge fashion even while paying less for it.
idea 1
idea 2

Sophia Charlotte
New York-Sao Paulo
Concept & Design: Masum Ali
Sophia Charlotte Co. is a cosmetics company that sells high end make up, skin products, hair extension and eye lash extensions. Target Audience is Woman from 18 to 65 years old, who want to look their best. Luxury businesses like channel, Prada, Gucci. These companies all have cosmetic products make up, creams etc.
SIS Hosting
Concept & Design: Masum Ali
SIS is an internet hosting company which provides high quality, scalable web site and application hosting to australian & worldwide businesses.
Music Box
Music and theater academy
Concept & Design: Masum Ali


some logos form my work
