FRAGES - Creative coding exhibition

Frages is a project born during the lockdown.  It is the fruit of visual explorations that mixes coding and graphic design. It aspires to be a new way of creation that uses generative systems to enable the emergence of new behaviour. The generative process has the unique quality to perpetually morph into an infinite number of variations which favors the spontaneous encounter of new shapes. It both guides creation and frees it from a preconceived final result.

Each visual we encounter is a “fragment” of the source code that generated it: if we were to execute the code again, countless new visuals would be created. This is why, in this project it felt essential to us to display the code in its raw form (computer language) along with  the “visual fragment” it originated. This felt natural to achieve complete transparency of the creative process. 

The open display of the code, consequently, allows a direct access to the entire system from which the fragment was collected, and to its infinity of siblings.
With the physical prints of one of these variations, we are making a finite decision, a statement. It is a total contrast in form with the perpetually shifting original object with which you can interact and observe the never-ending generation of itself (changing up to 60 times per second!).
Frages is a augmented mixed media exhibition which has taken place at two thirds project space.
Interactive Web mobile shader
Website of the exhibition:
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FRAGES - Creative coding exhibition


FRAGES - Creative coding exhibition

Frages is a visual exploration around generative coded visual
