Laura Dragomir's profile

ING Bank // Christmas office windows

'Twas the night before deadline when the idea struck me.

ING Bank needed a holiday concept for their branches' windows. But nothing commercial as they usually did, just something very Christmassy. Then I remembered that, in 2019, ING was also celebrating 25 years in Romania. And that’s how many days are in an advent calendar. Coincidence? I think not.

Curtain drop: an illustrated advent calendar celebrating ING’s unique products and services over the years, but with a Christmassy twist. Behind the opened doors of the calendar you could see throwbacks to previous ING campaigns (some of which you can see here and here) or reinterpreted banking elements.

ING liked the idea so much that they also made the calendar in real life - a big, fully functional wood construction at their headquarters. Sadly, the pictures were lost. 
But it was magnificent, trust me.


These are a few of my favourite illustrations 

Office windows seen here on a suspiciously clean street 


Copywriter: Laura Dragomir
Art director: Andreea Moise
Illustrator: Noper
Agency: Headvertising

ING Bank // Christmas office windows

ING Bank // Christmas office windows


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