We have won the second place in Europe, you can also see our base renders + 3D CAD view on ESA's website: https://mooncampchallenge.org/pioneers-gallery-2021/details/
This is Hyperion1918, a moon base me and my 2 colleagues designed for the "Moon Camp Pioneers" 2020-2021 edition organized by the European Space Agency. I am responsible for the modeling (Fusion 360) and the texturing & rendering (Blender). Some of the renders received a magic color touch in Photoshop from Cezar Brândușe ( https://www.artstation.com/cezarb267 https://www.behance.net/cezarbrndue)

The designing process and modeling took a month or two, haven't really kept count as I could not put daily work into it and had to wait for some decisions to be made in organized meetings with my colleagues. On the other hand exporting it from .step to .obj via MOI3D, importing in Blender, experimenting with textures and rendering took 3 days of work under the stress of the deadline implying that my computer is slow. I could have improved it a bit, but with the time all I could afford were CC0 textures, hand made simple procedural materials and decals made by me and the defaults from Decalmachine. Instead of working on it for a few weeks extra to make it the best that I can do I decided to upload the same renders I submitted to ESA in my limited time to prove what I can do in a limited time as of now, late April 2021, as I already have and will have more very refined pieces in the future.
The base is made out of 5 differently sized domes connected to each other. The biggest one is the main dome, also called Bendis, it is the only dome with an underground level. The diameter of the inner circle is 14 meters. The top level (third render) is the command center, it has a massive table containing a round map representing the half of the moon where the base is placed. It also has a conference table with chairs pointing to the massive window, the best view in the entire galaxy. The middle one is the laboratory (fourth render), where the astronauts work, have their computers & servers, crates with substances & rocks and the doors to the hangar, storage and the residential dome. Under it there is the resource area (fifth render), where the batteries, water and hydrogen tanks and some generator that my colleagues wanted is located. I guess it filters water from the moon ice.
The residential dome (12m diameter) with the badass circular stairs (8th and 9th render), also called Hypnosis, contains a gym whose machines I had no time to find online or model. It has a isolated door to the kitchen, one to the main dome, the only entrance gate in the garden (tenth render) and 2 normal doors to the bathrooms, locker/changing room and eventually bathrooms. Out of those I only had time to model the locker room but because of its shape and the arrangement of the objects there wasn't a good POV to take a render from. Except from those parts that I did not focus on a lot pretty much everything else is done. Up the stairs there is a pentagonal hall going to 5 small but comfortable rooms for each of the astronauts, but sadly it was the same situation, there wasn't a good point of view to take the render from.
Dyonisus, the kitchen (seventh render), having the same diameter as the storage and hangar of 7 meters, contains some basic cooking tools, a round bar table for cooking that was supposed to have ovens and other stuff under and a desk that I modeled along some easy chairs that are not mine.
Just next to the kitchen lies the storage (twelvth render) , also called Hephaestus, including some space to store mainly small objects and tools that can not be easily manufactured on the moon.
The remote dome, the hangar, also called Hermes, contains a fuel tank and locked isolated shelves containing tools and replacement pieces for the rovers. It has the only gate leading to outside.
The elephant in the room, which is the garden, also called Demetra, is the biggest room in the entire facility and serves as a source of vegetables and oxygen. Since plants probably cannot survive the long days on the moon with the powerful rays that are not filtered by clouds or the earth atmosphere the glass can also darken so it doesn't allow as much light to pass.
Outside the facility you can find a bunch of sun panels that provide the main source of electricity, which will mostly be stored since many essential rooms either don't need any artificial light during the day or just a little for short amounts of time.
Used assets that I did not create: 2 different chair models taken from a CAD CC0 model website, a few models made by Imad Nouar ( https://www.artstation.com/matter_of_time ) including the fire extinguisher, toaster, microwave, frying pan and kettle, moon color and height maps provided by NASA, CC0 seamless textures for different types of wood, cloth and sci fi tiles taken from texturehaven.com, texturebox.com and 3dtextures.me and default decalmachine decals.
Hyperion 1918 ; Moon Meisters
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Hyperion 1918 ; Moon Meisters

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